Laamu Six Sense Programme to L.Dhanbidhoo School

The staff members of Laamu Six Sense resort came to L.Dhanbidhoo school and conducted a programme for the students of grade 4 to 10. It was arranged by Laamu Dhanbidhoo school management. It was a three hours workshop. The students were happily participated in all activities and completed the day with a wonderful experience. The programme was handled by Europeans so the students were really enjoyed the sessions. They gave information about the reef life and the different ways to protect it. They gave more importance to protect turtles and groupers. They gave light to marine life and sea bourn organisms. A student said it was very useful and they understood more about the food style of different fishes.Finally the programme came to end at 6 pm. They drew the pictures of reef and the endangered species on the school wall with the help of students. The principal thanked Laamu Dhanbidhoo Council for their effort for arranging such programme in a successful way.


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